Our desire at Adelfiha is to function as an extension of the home; assisting parents in fulfilling their God ordained responsibilities.
Here is what some of the parents had to say about The Adelfiha Christian Academy.
My wife and I have enrolled our three sons in the Early Years (Toddler and Pre-
The children are also taught Bible verses, hymns, and poems that help to develop their relationship with the Lord. This nurturing foundation also gives the children the skills needed to foster and develop good social interactions with their peers and elders, thus improving their behaviour in school. The early years program is also one of the most affordable programs we found in the GTA. We are very pleased with our children’s success.
As a young Christian growing rapidly in Christ, I was finding it increasingly difficult to ignore precipitation behaviours in my son which I felt if left to fester could potentially become detrimental to his progress into manhood. In light of this, I decided to make a sacrifice and enroll him into Adelfiha Christian Academy.
With the teacher to student ratio, not only did my son grow academically he flourished spiritually as well! After a year of ups and downs the seeds which were planted has brought my son into a season of harvest.
I thank God for his continuous grace and mercy. God’s presence engulfs the attitudes and mind set of the faculty of Adelfiha. As a result, the development of student body who are rich in spirit, confident in their faith, projects academic excellence and exudes love through their conduct.
I pray that God continues to make Adelfiha Christian Academy a sign and wonder for the world to see.
Many thanks,

Contact Us
Adelfiha's Christian Academy
4340 Dufferin St, North York,
ON M3H 5R9
Tel: (416) 633-5440
Fax: (416) 630-2547
©Adelfiha’s Christian Academy. Website Designed by Mookey Media (www.mookeymedia.com)