Our desire at Adelfiha is to function as an extension of the home; assisting parents in fulfilling their God ordained responsibilities.
Academic Excellence Based on Biblical Foundation
Adelfiha Christian Academy seeks to provide a positive learning environment for each child. Our foundation stems from the knowledge that “We learn through God’s love”. We believe that children are a gift from God; one of the greatest demonstrations of His love towards us.
Fully qualified educators and their assistants have chosen this field because they believe they can make a difference in the education and development of each child.
Staff expose children to situations that simulate curiosity, initiative and independence as he/she interacts with God’s world.“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13
Interaction with and respect for all of God’s creation. “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:4-
Fine and Gross Motor Skills. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
The responsibility of raising children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, is given to parents by God (Deu. 6; Eph. 6). Our desire at Adelfiha is to function as an extension of the home; assisting parents in fulfilling their God ordained responsibilities.
Learn more about ACA Academic foundational training
Junior Kindergarten
Our goal at ACA is to provide the JK children fun learning BASICS of reading, writing, numbers and more! Our curriculum helps children develop learning habits and social skills for a strong foundation start to elementary.
The children are prepared in areas such as, Bible, Phonics, Writing, Numbers, Gym, Music, Computers, Arts and Crafts, French and Social Studies. We use A Beka Book Curriculum
Senior Kindergarten
At ACA our mission is to provide the SK children fun learning BASICS of reading, writing, numbers and more! Our curriculum helps children develop learning habits and social skills for a strong foundation start to elementary.
The children are prepared in areas such as, Bible, Phonics, Writing, Numbers, Gym, Music, Computers, Arts and Crafts, French and Social Studies. We use A Beka Book Curriculum
Grade 1-6
We believe that your child’s academic success depends on a solid foundation. At ACA, the educational curriculum is designed for students to achieve excellence. Our students’ superior performance on standardized achievement tests demonstrates their academic success.
ACA’s emphasis on a reading program has a strong, systematic phonetic approach which builds your child’s independent and confident reading. Additional academic pursuits include french language, arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

Contact Us
Adelfiha's Christian Academy
4340 Dufferin St, North York,
ON M3H 5R9
Tel: (416) 633-5440
Fax: (416) 630-2547
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