Be encouraged that our board and staff are looking forward to working along with you, in building up your child’s mind.
Preschool children should be 2 1/2 years old by the end of December. All students entering Junior or Senior Kindergarten must be potty-trained. It is strongly recommended that children begin their education with preschool at ACA.
Students admitted from other schools must show proof of grade level and record of achievement before grade placement is confirmed. Students may be asked to repeat a grade if academic achievement is not consistent with students in the Academy’s grade level. An evaluation will be given before final placement is decided.
A parental interview is required before any child is admitted. The following is discussed during the interview:
- The school’s rules, regulations and curriculum
- The student’s academic readiness and achievement
- Reasons for attending a Christian school
Dress Code
Students are expected to wear uniforms at all times, unless otherwise informed by staff. Uniforms can be purchased at Uniform Basics. Children who arrive at school without complete uniforms must have a note stating the reason(s) why. If a child habitually arrives at school with improper or incomplete attire, a parent conference will be scheduled. Uniform consist of the following:
→ Plain white undershirt
→ Plain white shirt
→ School tie
→ Blue dress pants
→ Green, blue, black or burgundy socks
→ Black shoes (no running shoes)
→ Hair should be cut short (no braids, long hair or hair clips)
→ Plain white shirt
→ Full tunic
→ Burgundy, black, blue or green leotards or socks
→ → Black shoes (no running shoes)
→ Girls should only wear green or white hair clips if desired
→ Girls may wear ribbons (green, burgundy, black, blue or white)
→ School white T-
→ Dark blue shorts or sweatpants (loose fitting)
→ White socks
→ White running shoes
Our in house chef provides nutritious and healthy lunches that is prepared fresh and served daily.
Extended School Day
Extended school day is available from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 pm. for children in Kindergarten to Grade 6.
Please call the office for more information

Contact Us
Adelfiha's Christian Academy
4340 Dufferin St, North York,
ON M3H 5R9
Tel: (416) 633-5440
Fax: (416) 630-2547
©Adelfiha’s Christian Academy. Website Designed by Mookey Media (